27 February 2012

Gujarat Riots : 10 year later

10 years ago, at this time me and my family was terrified by the sounds of gun shootings and mobs shouting religious slogans... We could hear rioting people were somewhat close to our society and we were almost prepared that they would come and kill us. Luckily we were saved. But lot of people were not fortunate enough like us. Thousands were killed during that bloody time span in '02. Today i wanted to note down some of my thoughts about those riots. Since i was just 10 during riots i didn't even know what Riot was like until it started on 27th February, '02.. I always thought Gujarat is one of the most peaceful place on the face of earth but i was not aware that there are exceptions when even the most established facts end up as a hoax. I do not want to write about what and how things happened.. I want to write about what exactly changed after 2002...

- First major change i think is the general perception of Muslims about Gujarat Government and Police. Most of the Muslims do not trust Government and the police system anymore..

( Some might think I am exaggerating things, for those i want to tell one thing.. I myself have seen police coming to poor muslim areas where people would store some water in big tanks in case their houses are set to fire. Police used to go there and spill the water so that they can ease the work of mobs of destroying houses. I am not saying Police worked against muslims all i am saying is that police worked against a particular group of people and by my knowledge i understand it was so because the Government ordered them to do so. The police did same in 1984 during Anti sikh riots and when the government was of the other political party. Riots are sad and should strongly be condemned and prevented by all means. )

- The way people buy houses. Not a single Muslim here, wants to live or have a business in an area where Hindus are majority and vice-versa.. Its not because of the hatred, instead they fear of an another 2002 happening in the future.
( major proof : In and major city of Gujarat, if you know where a person lives you can be sure about the community he belongs to. )

- the most disappointing : Education of Muslim children was negatively affected by the riots. considering 90% of them including me, were not able to go to school for like 6 months. and my observation says during that time almost all the GOOD SCHOOLs where in Hindu majority areas, atleast in my city. Therefore Muslim parents chose to admit their children in nearest schools possible even if they were not really up to the standards. vice-versa is also true for Hindu children going to Muslim Schools. but that number stands far less. However now things have started to change... !!
(i used to go in a school in a Hindu majority area, there were almost 20 muslim classmates before riots, after 6 months when i again went to class there were only two of us.)

- Media the ugly truth.. 60% of the state print media pretended to be Neutral and truthful on the cover page but inside they used to present things in a way which motivated the rioters.. not all of them did it but majority of them did.


I could go on for long. but this list is an implication how exactly things were POLARIZED after 2002, however they are slowly improving.

But we have still far to go for the unbiased, peaceful society. Muslim areas are still not provided with the basic infrastructure. There are very less Banks, ATMs, quality roads etc in these areas. I am highly hopeful that one day this wont be true, any longer.

(We do not have Gas Pipelines in our area which are much cheaper and safer then the gas cylinders we use , the main pipe line of gas is just 1 km away from where i live. still they deny to give a connection saying "We are not ordered to service in that area, thank you")

07 February 2012

"there are no categorized items" issue while Installing ADT plugin for eclipse

As one of my friend faced it and told me that while installing ADT for eclipse the software list contained this : "There are no categorized items", solution to this is
Untick the "Group items by category check box"