20 July 2011

After a long time... That too on my Birthday...

Yea i know its been quite long since i wrote here...i don't think people will actually read this so it doesn't matter anyways...So the Reason why i am writing on this blog is today is my BIRTHDAY... from several days i was planning about the things i wanted to do today but i got fever and cold along with severe muscular pain and now i am writing this at the time when i should be out there enjoying and partying...

but honestly the thing which i missed the most was being a BIRTHDAY BOY in the college...The feeling which you get when your college friends are wishing you personally shaking hands with you or patting your back is just superb...but unfortunately i missed the fun being with friends on the day of my birthday... though i am happy that i have got lots of wishes through Email, Texts, and Fb so far..!!!

I don't know if my friends are ever going to read this.. but thank you all those who wished me from the bottom of my heart....

yea i forgot to wish myself.....:D so here it goes...
Akif, Happy bday to you.. many many happy returns of the day...!!

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