22 July 2011

Trying to be BAD...!!!

I know the tittle seems very weird. who wants to become bad?? and even if they are trying for it, posting it on a public blog seems foolish..isnt it?? But yea seriously i believe i have been "GOOD" all my life. my problem is not being good but being good more than required makes you look weaker. I am not saying all this just because of one experience but actually i have had few times when i realized i am getting USED...!!! here i want to write about few of the experiences i have had from some SICK personalities...!

1st ) I helped him a lot when he needed someone badly, i gave him all the time i had in vacations(when i could have go enjoying, traveling and gaming, instead) but now he thinks i am arrogant, self-centered, and completely unhelpful person who cant help someone without his personal interests... i am getting treated like this by him may be coz i was little bit more helpful to him before??

2) i always thought hes a good person, a good student if not a good friend then at least a good classmate.. i never tried to make fun of him. i never tried to bully him either like most of the people do... well its not that i am not good at teasing and teasing a LOSER like him is not a tough thing to do also...lol...but i always respect people no matter how they are, how they look, what race they are or any other barriers this human society has made..!!! but just think how it feels when the person whom you always supported when things were against him tells you SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP..!!!! That too when you were actually responding to his one of the silly questions he asks people making him look like mental patient .Instead i could have just ignored answering his question like most people do with him...!!!!!!! All my life i had never faced such harsh and rude comments from anyone...he told me all this shitt may be coz i was more den GOOD with him to begin with???

(FYI hes just a LOSER who has got no life whatsoever.. sometime he behaves like a psycho.. and i am gonna punch him in the face if he says something like this again)

3) I had this friend in my school whom people used to bully to often.. i stood by him and helped him face the situation... after few months he was talking to one person, he thought i was out of the class that time... but he didn't know i was seating at the last bench that time.. so his lines were "Akif is f**ing Muslim, whom i wont even see in my life once the school is over"....this was coz may be i was more supporting than i should be???
(I pity on this sick racist)

there are few others i wanted to write but i am hungry and i want to eat something badly...lol
but i am gonna be bad for all the bad.. and good for all the good.. :) CHEERS...!!!!

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