24 January 2012

A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0x8007000 : Solved

Recently i was fixing somebody's pc. which was giving the above error whenever i tried to boot normally.. However i was able to boot in safe mode with command prompt. This error actually drove me nuts. But finally as always i found the solution.

This usually occurs when these three files are missing or corrupted...


So what you need to do is..

Copy this files from some other Computer having XP installed. or you can also copy them from Windows installation disk. To copy from windows disk you need to do following

1. Boot in safe mode with command prompt : to do that press F8 after the display of your bios.

2. Once you are done. insert windows installation disk and browse to the I386 folder copy the file with extension XXXXX.XX_ where XXXX.XX is the file name with first 2 letters of the extension. Rename it to a .cab file and extract the file to system32.

that means rename the file oembios.DA_ by oembios.cab...

3. reboot and you are done..

If this doesn't work.. let me know...!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i tried the same....but not working