09 January 2012


I came across a weird incident today. It was weird because it was like excitement, joy, disappointment, and guilt everything mixed in one pack..

So one of my friend who knows that i am quite good at computers told me that his old neighbor was having some problem with his PC. i told him i could help him but i would take 100 bucks, market rate is 300 bucks by the way..!! now lemme clarify that i told him about the money just because i didn't want to be available all the time... I mean there are a lot of people who call me when they need technical assistance in this sort of things but i don't want to be doing it for free always, considering my relations with people i just get things done with the fees of one "thank you" but sometimes its to much... Right now i have three CPU boxes at my place which i am suppose to repair with no fees whatsoever.. So coming back to the point, for the first time i went to this person's home with intention of making money, which was "exciting"..I took a look at  PC, and the only solution according to my knowledge was reinstalling the entire operating system which would take almost an hour, and furthermore i would have required to install all the softwares again. I tried to figure out an alternate and appropriate solution with no luck which was "disappointing". meanwhile another person whom Mr.Rana(the person with Problem PC) had called two days before for the same problem, came. He didn't come for two days therefore Mr. Rana had called me... this late lateef person is a professional hardware engineer, he didn't really have any degree, but his father taught me everything related to PC..he is distant relative of Mr. Rana so he gets things done for free, the only problem is that he is never not time...anyways he told me the solution is just a small trick... I just let him do it and he did it in no time... here came the "guilt" of not being able to do it... afterwards when i was leaving the house Mr. Rana handed me 100 bucks, i resisted realizing that i wasn't the one who solved the Error but he still put it in my pocket saying it was for my efforts... Here comes the "joy" you get when people appreciate you no matter you succeeded or not.....

Thank you Mr. rana, it was pleasure meeting you!! I am gonna save this 100 bucks always..


aakashRayate said...

After reading this post i am just confused... Should i ask you for my laptop problems or not..??

Akif said...

Of course you can..!! its not about small tricks or whatsover... i am was discussing about the big problems people come with...!! and when i say B-I-G.. i mean it..!!